Thursday, July 10, 2014

Angel's Landing

Our first big hike here at Zion was the hardest hike because of how difficult it is. We have been to this park 3 times and this is our first time hiking. Ever since I heard about Angels landing I have wanted to give it a try, now the hard part about that is I am afraid of heights. The description of the hike is cliff edges and drops, chains and rails so that should tell you a little about it. I am very proud that I made it as far as I did. Dale and I started up where there were chains and then stopped because you have to come down the same way you go up. I am glad that we did because I wouldn't be writing this post because I would still be up there waiting for someone to "GET ME DOWN"  LOL. Bernie and Lulu went further then we did, Lulu made it to the tip. In the pictures if you look close you can see a bright green shirt and that is her. I am glad we did it the view was awesome.

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